Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keepin on

I never realized how hard it would be to keep up with my own workouts even after moving out.  I don't have half of my workout equipment over at our little place yet, we have to make room for it all, not that it is a huge amount of equipment but it takes up floor space and so we need to figure out where it is easily accessible but we won't stub our toes on it in the night.

Chris and I have been walking around our neighborhood alot, we've been making trips to the local library.  It isn't too far of a walk but it is a good size walk, sometimes it's at a run because of the area we are in but it isn't bad.

No I still haven't weighed myself to see if I've lost weight yet since being married but I will eventually.  I did get my wii and the wii fit over to our place so I play on that sometimes and we did get a Kinect so we can play with that from time to time too.

Thank you for not judging

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It is over!

The wedding is now officially over so now my stress levels will start going down, in theory.

Chris did tell me the other day that I have lost some weight in his eyes since I don't have all of the stress weighing down on me as much. It is also nice not having cable television so I'm not sitting around doing nothing but watching TV and I'm getting up and getting everything organized in our new place.

I have not moved my workout collections over to our place yet and we don't really have anywhere to put most of my equipment until we get some areas cleaned out and reorganized.  But now I have the countdown to Disneyland for our Honeymoon.

Thank you for not judging

Sunday, September 2, 2012

It fits!

The dress fits people! You have no idea how happy I was when they were able to zip the back of my dress up without having to let it out. Probably one of the happiest days of my life since they wouldn't have it longer than needed.  They did still have to take up the shoulders but it fits perfectly now and I can't wait to show it off on Saturday.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The meaning of the dress

Yes this post should probably go into my other blog but I feel that it needs to be added to this one instead.
The other night I was getting very frustrated with not having my dress yet, which I still don't have but we keep pushing on. Anyway, I was on the phone with one of my friends and she asked if I could just do without the bridals. If push came to shove and I couldn't fit them in with my schedule then yes I would give up on the bridals but throughout this whole wedding planning and taking care of everything else along the way I realized that those bridals meant more to me than just getting in my dress and getting pictures taken of me in it. I haven't really felt like a bride this entire time, yes I've had the stress of everything but I have not had that bridal moment where I can say "yes, I am a bride." I don't know why I haven't had it yet but it just hasn't hit me. I expressed this to my friend and she completely understood it.  Then I had to tell another friend about it too since she has been amazing throughout majority of this stress mess crap.
I know this doesn't really have a whole lot to do with anything but I felt I needed to share it.  It does suck having to pay for pretty much your entire wedding yourself, yes I will use that against some siblings when they say I never pay for anything or something stupid like that. As well as planning the whole thing out myself as well. Not to talk smack about my mom but I've pretty much taken on everything myself.  I mean I made the invites, scheduled everything and paying for it all.  The only thing I'm not doing in my own is setting up the entire reception.  But I won't be shocked when I see that my siblings won't be there because something better came along.

Anyway that is all I wanted to say.

Thank you for not judging

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Press N' Seal conclusion

Well I have to tell you, the wraps work.  I am down 9 inches where the wrap was placed.  I thought about becoming a distributor of the product but with planning a wedding, paying for a wedding by myself and starting a new life is not the time to be going head long into a business.  I figure I can be a customer of theirs and then as I get money stockpiled then I can get into selling the product on my own.  The only thing though, with a company like this wouldn't any of the money that you receive from it go back into buying your products for parties and things like that? At least wouldn't that be the smart thing to do? So then how do you get money from it? 

Thank you for not judging. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Damn Boobs part 2

Yes they are starting to cause me headaches this month.  So my wedding dress doesn't even zip up because my boobs are too big.  I was so concerned with my stomach area being too big and now it's the stupid boobs.  What makes me upset though is shouldn't a pattern give for the traveling up of the boobs?  Also why do dress places have to order in a size when they take your measurements.  Wouldn't it be easier/better to just order in the dressed based on your measurements?
Makes sense to me.  I mean I will probably never get out of wearing a size Large top because of the size of my boobs, unless I want to look like my chest exploded.
Wake up designers, women have curves in a whole lot of different places.  Start customizing clothing for different problem areas.
I know I should probably do this, I have 2 people who I'm sure would be on board with helping to make clothes but then they'd be super expensive and no one wants to pay that price. Yet we do for wedding dresses.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Press N' Seal update

So I went to my cousins wrap party today and it is for the product It Works! 
I had to keep the menthol rich wrap on for about 45 minutes, ended up being an hour and 10 but I went down 2 inches over all. I thought it was pretty cool and I will remeasure myself Monday to see the full results of it. 
I know I need to stop being a skeptic with products and everything but I can't help it.  When people quote stats I like to know the sources and some of the stats they quoted are being misquoted and I hate that. And as I've posted before they want you to drink half of your body weight in water a day in oz's.  Did I not say I wasn't as puffy or bloaty because of doing that same thing? It cost me $25 and we will see the results on Monday and see if that was worth it to me. but I can feel a difference in my clothes, they seem looser.  However I do not recommend drinking 64 oz of water, then going to see The Dark Knight Rises. Yup I had to pee about 30 minutes in and I was wedged in the middle of the row so there was no getting out. 

Thank you for not judging and I will keep you up to date on the results. 


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Press N' Seal

This weekend one of my cousins, it's one of those parents cousins kids things so they are kind of my cousin right?, is having a wrap party.  We will be doing body wraps to drop inches.  Now I have some major issues with my waist because when I get stressed it goes to my waist, when I gain weight it goes to my hips and since I have a wedding dress that will be fitted to me the problem area is the belly.  So I will be having that wrapped to see if it truly does drop my inches and how long it lasts.  If it works I'm tempted to get one of my volleyball ladies to come over and wrap the rest of my body with her oils and the press n'seal like she did at one of our volleyball games. Was rather hilarious to hear it pop and everything.  

I will let you all know how well it works and if it is worth the cost.  Yeah it's $25 so kind of pricey for one wrapping but if it works it will make my belly go down. 
I know stressing about this stuff only makes my issues worse so I'm really trying not to.  

I'm also keeping up with my bellydancing and my other workouts. 

Ended up taking down a wedding tonight so that was a great workout in 90 degree weather at 9 at night. Ended up melting the candles we use in our hurricane lamps outside to let people know which doors to go in for the wedding. 

Thank you for not judging and I will keep you posted on the wrapping.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

It is, what it is

So I got the engagement pictures back today.  They are cute but I just keep looking at them and I kind of want to cry. Mostly out of frustration with myself.  I have a degree in exercise science yet I can't even get myself down to smaller sizes like I want to.  I know all there is to know about weight loss and how it is accomplished and what you need to do, yet why can't I follow through with it?
I want the outside me to match the way I feel and I see myself. I never wanted to be that Marshmallow bride, but it looks like that is what I will be turning out to be.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Going strong!

Yes I allowed that moment of upsetness to pass and no I'm not getting rid of my boobs to fit into a dress. My mom and I ended up going to a local store and found clothing that will work for the pictures. I'm happy with them and amazingly enough they fit just fine and they are the right sizes. 
I do think that some designers say they are true to size but they don't really know what that true to size is. 
Anyway I just wanted to update you all on that I'm still going strong with the workouts and eating correctly for my body and drinking my water.  I didn't have nearly as much water yesterday as I would have liked and now I'm paying for it with swollen ankles. But I'm chugging it down still.

Thank you for not judging.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Damn boobs!

I'm pretty ticked right now I bought this amazingly beautiful dress for my engagement photos. It came in the mail today and I was super excited yet nervous to try it on.  I ordered it a size larger because I knew I could always take it in if it was too big. Well it was too small in the boobage area. I guess my DDD's were a little too much for that cute little dress. Luckily the company does free returns.  I couldn't go up a size because I had it in the largest size it came in.  So now my mom and I get to go and find something around here to replace it. 

The part that upsets me is that there is nothing I can do about my boobs.  whenever I lose weight and start to tighten up they get bigger.  I know eventually everything evens out and they will start to go down but that takes like 6 months for me to get to that part and by then I'm frustrated because my cup size keeps going up. 

I had to rant. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Down 6!

As of this morning peeps, I am down 6 lbs! I haven't been doing the books eating suggestions I've just kept up with the massive amounts of water, eating by the first 15 minutes of being awake and doing the breathing techniques.  I'm rather pleased with it.  I've also been watching what I'm eating and making sure I'm not pigging out on the 'addies' I like to say 'Cause addies create fatties'. :D I know I'm mean but it stops me from adding things to my foods to make them higher in calorie and as a petite added calories over time will make me gain the weight back.

Just wanted to keep you all updated.

Thank you for not judging.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Less bloaty

So I've been going through the guidelines of the Petite diet and I have to say that I don't feel as bloaty and I don't find myself wanting to snack.  I mean I want to but I'm satisfied with my food choices so I don't feel like I need to snack.

Well I had a banana split today only because of other stressers, Yes I tried the breathing thing but this is a huge thing and that won't help with it. And yes in away the banana split did help but I still feel bad so I know that food will not solve all of my problems. Hello it caused most of my problems and that fact that I haven't been as active as I would like to be. I need to be better I know.

Thank you for not judging.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stress Reduction

I started a few days ago on a stress relieving exercise program so to speak.  Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed due to whatever is going on in my life I take a series of deep breaths.  I usually inhale for the count of 4 using one thousand as my timing agent and then let it out for the same 4 counts.  I work up from 4 and try to hold it from 5-8 and then do the same. I know it sounds weird but it has worked amazingly well for me. I'm down 3 lbs since I started!
I know that stress is a huge part of the weight gaining process so I know just sitting back and breathing will help me to stay focused and it's helping me to sleep at nights which is a HUGE relief for me right now. 

Just wanted to share.

Thank you for not judging.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Being Petite

I've been reading the book I told you all about in the previous post. And I do kind of agree with what Mr. Jim Karas has to say. (not really a fan that he's one of Oprah's favs and all but you can't make everything your way right?)Anyway I know all of the information that Mr. Karas says in his book because it was taught to me in my classes at school yet the way he found out makes the light bulbs turn on for me. Obviously shorter people don't need as much food as someone who's 5'10" where are we going to put it? The part that I love so much though.  Cardio does pretty much nothing for short people, I now understand why it pains me sooo much to do cardio. I love bio mechanics and the human body. I knew there was a reason I always excelled in weight training and why I enjoy it so much.  I could do strength all day every day and now with this guys information and his program it makes complete sense.  
I have not finished reading the book yet but I understand where it all comes into play with the human body. I can't wait to try out the workout that he has planned in the book though. 

Just wanted to share that insight with you all. 

Thank you for not judging. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 2 & 3

Now now let's not be judgmental or anything on me right now.  I know what I had said in my previous post about working out every day.  However I know illnesses come up and there isn't a lot we can do about them.  So here's the thing.  I did not get up early on Tuesday morning as I had planned to do my workout, sorry sleep won that round of battles.  But I had everything laid out for me for when I came home from work. Well during work I started to feel really light headed whenever I would get up and walk around.  So I figured I needed to drink more water so I downed my 32 oz container that I bring with me everywhere I go and that didn't seem to help.  Just made my stomach all sloshy and fun for the rest of the time at work. 
Once I got home my sister and her kids were still at the house so I figured I'd wait til they left.  Then all of a sudden I started feeling hot, yes it was hot yesterday here in Utah but only in the mid to high 70's nothing like it had been the weeks prior.  Then I started to get a headache and no matter what I did or took it wasn't going away.  
So I finally made up my mind I was going to still do a workout but not with as much energy as I normally do.  Well that thought got slapped in my face when I got up to go change the room started to spin and I had to sit down.  Yup, I was sick.  Now I work with money all day long and so I could be touching bills that someone decided to blow their nose on, I don't know and so because of this lovely work environment I'm in I get sick more than I want to.  I have hand sanitizer and  I wash my hands regularly because of how much I am around money and I make sure to never eat with my hands or put anything near my mouth whenever I'm dealing with money.  But with all those precautions I can still get sick and so I do.  Wahoo for me. :) 
My fall back was to head to the store and get some NyQuil so I could at least sleep through the night and then get up to workout in the morning and just do 2 workouts today instead of the one.  Well when I woke up I wasn't feeling any better so I called into work sick and went right back to bed.  I know I'm a baby, so deal with it okay people. 
I'm feeling a little better now that I am up and around and I'm very tempted to do an urban rebounder workout before I head off for Community Ed tonight to make my athletes run more. Yes, they love me oh so dearly. 
Also my mom wanted to go to the library today since I was home and all, her car is dead in the drive way, so she needs me to take her places.  So while there I figured I could look at some books on how to manage my stress levels since if you've been keeping up with this blog you know that is a major part of my weight gains, at least my opinion of it that is. Anyway while looking up Stress Relief under topics one of the first books that came up was The Petite Advantage Diet by Jim Karas.  I've never heard of this book but it is supposed to be geared towards women who are 5'4" and under.  Now I'm pushing 5'2" on a good day so I figured why not check it out and see how it goes. 
So I'll keep you all updated on this diet book and any information I glean from it. 

Thank you for reading and not judging. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 1

I know I've been talking a lot about working out and the stresses of everything but then I end up not doing the workout because I'm too tired at night or I didn't sleep well last night and I can't get up early to do the workout and so on and so forth.  So I decided that I need something that will keep me accountable for my actions.  Well my followers, you are my accountability.  I will be posting at the end of my workouts so I can keep myself on track and so I can see my progress in word form and anything cool that comes to mind that keeps me motivated will also be posted here. 

I do find it funny when people say they need to find the time to do something.  I used to be one of those people that said I needed to find the time to read more, to play with my dog more and so on.  Well I never found that time, yes I have the same 24 hours in my day as other people do, yet why does it seem that they have more time on their hands and are able to get more done? Easy they make the time to do the things that are important in life first and then everything else will fall into place.  So I am making my time to do my workouts.

I just finished with my strength workout and pilates finish.  I was going to do the Urban Rebounder tonight but since it has been a little bit of time since my last workout the pilates part killed my hips so I'm having to give them a little bit of a rest.  Also I don't want to kill myself starting out then I can cause an injury or worse. 
There it is world, I started my day 1 of making time for myself for one of the things that matter in my life. Being healthy and staying healthy so I can do more for others and myself. 

Thank you for not judging.

"Some people dream of success, other stay awake to achieve it." ~Michelle Phan

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Failed Goals

Well I did not reach my goal of losing the 10 lbs by fathers days. I'm rather upset with myself that I didn't keep with my schedule and that I allowed other less important events/things to take the place of me getting healthier and managing my stress for a very important day for myself and to keep myself on a healthier track for the rest of my life. 
I know I'm focusing on the weight loss aspect of everything and so I get discouraged when I don't see the results of my hard work.  Yes I've taken measurements but I haven't taken any new ones to see if there are changes because I know the scale isn't the only place that changes occur.  But my pants are fitting any looser, in fact they are getting tighter, never a good sign of a stressed out bride.  And on top of all of that when I get stressed out I gain weight so then it causes an unending cycle of stress and weight gain.  I've put myself under a lot of pressure with this because I'm having a dress shipped in that is a certain size and I don't want to have to have that dress let out because I gained weight before my wedding. Again none of this is conducive for weight loss goals. 
Now then, a few weeks ago I came home from coaching and we ended up watching the home shopping network.  I rarely watch the stations because I want to buy stuff.  Well they were demonstrating the Urban Rebounder.  My mom was watching it too and she's trying to lose weight as well for the wedding.  So we talked about the workout they were showing and she said she would do something like that.  So I asked her if I bought it, would she do it? and she said yes.  So I bought it.  Yup I bought something from the home shopping network.  *hangs head in shame* But it came last week.  The grandkids are having a ball on it.  And I've watched the videos to get myself familiar with the workouts of it. Oh here is a picture of this workout contraption. 

Yeah sorry it is fuzzy it is just from my camera phone.

This thing is the DEVIL!!!!!! I know what you're thinking, it wouldn't be that hard to just jump around and do some workouts.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to only allow yourself to jump 1 inch off the surface? There is so much core control needed to do this thing it isn't even funny.  Oh it feels amazing though but you are pouring sweat within a few minutes.  Picture yourself jumping rope forever, pretty much the same concept behind it without the jarring movements to the hips, knees and ankle joints.  I am not afraid to admit that I am starting out on the Senior levels because they are easier and it still gets me sweating.  I only plan on being on the senior levels until I can build up my core muscles and then advance throughout the workouts.  
Who would have thought that jumping just a little bit on the trampoline would cause so much going on in the body.  
I have to say that I have wanted one of these for about 6 or more years now.  Now that I have it I'm really excited to be using it.  Oh it also does wonders on the inner thighs, I know for women it is a huge problem area and with having to keep your legs together and not go all wild and crazy.  If that is a problem area you have, you will want to look into getting this. 

Wish me luck with this endeavor and I am going to be posting results within each week of how I'm progressing as well how it is transforming my body, along with the other workouts I am doing too.  Pilates are helping with my hip issues as well as keeping my back into place so I don't have to keep going to the chiropractor to get adjusted. 

Thank you for not judging 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Track Downfalls

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you are so looking forward to the weekend because of what you consider to be some fun plans? Well that was this weekend for me.  But I'm sure my plans would not seem as fun to others as they were for me. 
So Chris and I decided last week that we would walk/run the High School tracks near our houses on Sunday nights since our shows are over for the summer.  It gives us time together, I get to take my dog for needed runs and it keeps the two of us on track with our workouts.  Well the closest track to my house is Granger High's track and since they are rebuilding the school they have the entire area of the track sealed off so people can't use it until after the construction is finished. But we did not let that stop us for doing our walk, besides Jasper was not about to let me just take him for a car ride and then not take him for a walk.  So we just went for a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood.  I know it isn't much but my hips have been killing me for the past few days because I need to see my quack to get them fixed from the car accident last year, and I needed the rest when we got back, or I wouldn't be walking the or working out for the next week. 

I hope your weeks are strong with your own workout goals. 

Oh and I am officially setting a weight loss goal today.  By Fathers Day I will be down 10lbs.  My sister in law doesn't think I can do it, well I will show her.  But I will also need some help too.  I just need some encouragement and reminders to do my workouts.

Thank you for reading and not judging. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

What is the best way to get rid of water retention?

Now being a woman we know how blessed we are with the amazing ability our bodies have of retaining water on us when we aren't looking.  Well my mom gave me this great recipe to help combat it.

Juice of 1 Lemon
1/2 Tbsp of honey
32 oz of water

mix the lemon juice, water and honey together and if you'd like you can put in the microwave for 30 seconds.  I find it easier to drink when it's warm than when it's super cold from the fridge. 

Just be warned that before drinking this, make sure your day will be spent not too far from a restroom because you will have to go quite a bit. 

Let me know what you think if you try it.

Thank you for not judging. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Best time to do a Cardio Workout

Is not right before going to bed. Well at least not for me.  It took me forever to sleep last night and as I was drifting off to sleep at 2 am, I said to myself no matter what time I have to get up tomorrow I need to do my workout.  And what do you think I did when I woke up this morning? No I did not go back to bed, but I put on my workout clothes, different ones, I don't like smelling my own sweat and if you like that so many days in a row you're kind of weird in my book.  Anyway the workout sucked but I still did it!

The day at work wasn't too terrible, but the A/C in my car went out a little bit ago and now it's so hot that I get pretty crankier while driving.  I know, first world problem. But then I had to coach tonight in the heat, I was looking forward to coaching and interacting with my athletes but I was not looking forward to the heat.  

Needless to say, I'm super tired and I get to get up once again tomorrow and do another amazingly bad workout and go through work then play volleyball against the 12 year olds.  Yeah this week is turning out to be oh so so much fun. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Punched in the gut

It is interesting how easy it is to make up excuses as to why you don't workout daily or at all from time to time. I know mine is I don't have the time.  Yet when I sit down and write out my daily schedule, amazingly I have the time to do a workout. For me the best times are early morning, I know 6:30 am for some is not early but for me, it is.  Crazy though 10 years ago I was at work by the time and my workouts happened once I got home from work and before I went to night school. I lost a lot of weight then, I was able to fit into pants I hadn't been able to fit into since my senior year of High School and they were starting to get too big.  Then I was in a car accident, amazing how something that takes less than a second can ruin so many aspects of your life.  I couldn't workout for a month because of the pain my back was in each time I tried. The part the sucked the most was I was looking really good too! But how could something so small ruin something that I had been working on for months, and by that time it was years. I kept with my eating habits of when I was working out so I started to gain weight.  I was burning a lot of calories throughout my day because I was also working in a warehouse too. 
Anyway to get to my point.  A lady I work with now asked why I don't workout at the Rec center I work at.  I've never been comfortable working out where I work because for one since I'm a supervisor I will be asked a million and one questions while I'm working out.  It isn't the staffs fault for it, the same thing happened all the time when I worked at a Curves for women. Course that was due to a coworker being a butt about alot of things in life and I won't go into it here because it is in the past. 
What the punch in the gut was about, the lady I shared why I don't workout at the rec center and that I workout in my basement asked me. "And how's that working for you?" It hit me then am I really doing all that  I could be doing to workout? No, I'm not.  I'm not doing what I need to be doing.  I have a lot of fears that I need to overcome. The first one, I'm going to get fitted for the new dress that we found next weekend.  It is going to take 2 months to get here.  What if I drop so much weight they will have to order in a whole new dress and it won't get in in time so we are stuck back to making the dress again anyway and then there's the whole thing about not having time for bridals! But I don't want to look like a marshmallow when I get married either.  White is not a forgiving color, yes we can make some adjustments to places so it doesn't draw the eye to certain areas but I want to feel good on my wedding day and not be self conscious about how I look. 
So I've decided to compromise with both areas.  I will still do my workouts in my basement 6 days a week and one day a week I will attend the boot camp class on Saturdays at my work.  That way my weekly workouts will help me to keep up with the Saturday class and help me to improve there, and the Saturday class will help me to improve my weekly workouts.  I will be implementing this plan into action today.  I know it is Wednesday but that seems to be my sticking point for the week, if I can do a workout on Wednesday, I can do a workout on any day of the week. 

Wish me luck and thank you for not judging. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't judge me

First off, there's no judging here. Secondly, don't be overzealous with your workouts because then you end up super sore the next day.  Much like I am right now. Yup, sides are killing me.  Didn't hurt at the time while I was working out.  I know there is good pain and there is bad pain and this is bad pain.  So I'm not taking it easy but I will not go all the way with my workout tonight when I get home from coaching.  I know I said I wasn't going to do it after coaching but I'm too sore to do it and since I now have to sub for the institute class my mom teaches right before I didn't feel that I need to be coming in smelling like sweat. Doesn't go over very well when you are trying to teach religion. 

Also I've noticed the waist of my pants are not as tight, they weren't that tight anyway but more so today than the last time I had them on. So yes, that recollection is enough to keep me up with my workouts. 

Thank you for not judging

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Finally a small break!

Super excited for tomorrow, no not because it is Wednesday but I have the day off.  My mom is going in for surgery so I get to take care of my little sister while my parents are away.  That isn't the break nor the reason to be excited for.  You see Wednesdays are always my hardest day of the week to workout.  Mostly because of coaching in the evening that if I don't do the workout in the morning, it's not going to happen. Well with not having to work tomorrow I can sleep a little more, since my workout today is running later than I wanted it to be but I didn't expect to attend my nephews baseball game and do some grocery shopping.  (yes after this post I'm doing my cardio workout for the day) But I can get the rest I need so my muscles don't be screaming at me, especially my shoulder area because I sneezed from allergies today and threw it all out after getting adjusted yesterday.  
Anyway to make a long post short, workout will finally be happening on a Wednesday and keeping up with what I feel is my hardest day to workout is a little bit of an accomplishment for me.  And if I can do it this week, you can bet I will be able to do it next week without having a day off. 

Thank you for reading and not judging

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I don't know how they do it

I have to tip my hat to mothers out there.  I really don't know how you are able to workout with young children around. 
We had my sisters 3 kids from last Thursday until tonight.  They are 6, 4 and 2.  Oh my goodness those kids have to be constantly entertained, they don't go off and play on their own they have to be with you the entire time.  If you are not entertaining them then they are coming up to you wanting you to entertain them.  Yesterday I was going to do a workout when I got up well I came upstairs to find my mom looking zombie like on the couch because one of my nephews was up at 6 am and ended up waking up the other 2 shortly there after.  So my mom went back to sleep while I watched the kids and said I was going to do a workout when the boys start to fight then they start to cry.  So there went my mid morning workout so I had to resolve myself to working out when I got home from work at 10:30 pm. But that got interrupted because they wanted to help out.  No it is not cute when you are having to fight them to get your dumbbells back and you all resign to the fact that it's time to go to bed for everyone. 

So to all of you mom's out there that are able to workout around your children I commend you and hope that I don't end up beaning one of my children with a dumbbell if they get in my way when I workout.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jellie legs

Well it has been 4 hours since finishing the Zumbathon and now I'm starting to feel it. So so much fun.
The event really was alot of fun and I very much enjoyed getting glared at by the patrons that I've had to turn away because of their passes being expired or the class they are wanting to get into are full.  Yup that always makes for a great great time working out.

With this massive workout it has kick started my desire to workout once again so I am very glad that I went through the pain and torture that is going through my body now.

One of the aerobic instructors that I have yet to take a class from has challenged me to take her bootcamp class on saturdays at 9 am.  I'm willing to do the classes but I'm going to force Chris to do them with me because it wouldn't hurt him to do them and this way we can motivate each other to get in shape for September.

So overall I am very glad I did the Zumbathon, I just need to make sure I do pilates once I get home tonight or stretch my hips so they don't create more problems in the morning.  I know I'm old and I'm getting used to it.

Thank you for not judging.


PS no matter what you weigh, if you have cleavage you will have guys looking.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So I'm really excited about this coming Saturday.  My work is having a Zumbathon.  It is free and it's 2 hours of close to nonstop Zumba.  I'm not the biggest fan of the instructor, nice lady and all but not my favorite Zumba instructor.  For those who don't know what Zumba is, it's a dancing workout where you use aerobic styles of dances taken from South American countries as well as some belly dancing.  I have an issue with that one, only because they don't do it right and I can say it because I took belly dancing for 4 1/2 years. I do wish I could get back into it but my instructor teaches on Wednesday nights and I'm busy coaching.  I love coaching so I'll stick with that.
Anyway back to the topic at hand.  I'm super excited because I've informed my family of my plan to attend the Zumbathon and even though we are babysitting my niece and nephews this weekend they want me to be healthier and not just for my wedding but for my life. 

If anyone is interested in attending here is some of the information for it.

It will be held on Saturday April 14, 2012
7 am check in time
8 am the whole thing starts
Cost is free but they do ask for a $15 donation for some charity that I forgot the name of it.
the address is 5350 W 12900 S (Herriman Main Street) Herriman, UT

I'll let you know how it all goes.

Thank you for not judging

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Being a doormat

I realized last night that I allow others to control what my schedule is.  I ended up working noon to 7 yesterday for work because of a Spring Break Well it was super slow like I knew it would be but what can you do when your boss calls you in right? Well I figured since I wasn't staying til 10 like I normally would have, so I figured I could do my workout once I got home and let my dinner settle.  Well while waiting for all of that to happen my parents were getting their taxes together and of course with my mom not being able to see very well on the computer screen and my dad can't type to save his life so of course I get roped into getting their taxes done for them and we didn't finish until around 11:30 pm.  I could have still done a workout but I was then tired and not really feeling like doing a workout.  
I know once I am married I won't have to deal with my parents butting in on my scheduled events and times but I don't want to have to wait until then to start looking good and losing weight. 

For a side note, I will be doing a workout this afternoon at 1:30 because I'm having to work from 4-10 pm tonight because again I'm a nice person an I'm letting someone else have a night off so I can work for them. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

back story of me

Hello, my name is Mary and I have always been what you would call the chubby child.  I was the fat friend that everyone loved but there was never any competition between me and the other girls because what guy would want to be seen with a chubby girl? 
Oh I was active as a child.  I was in dance, I went bike riding all the time with friends and all over the neighborhoods, but I was still squarely built. 
As I got older and all of those fun female changes happen I didn't plateau I continued to gain weight.  It also didn't help that when I was almost 12 one of my sisters was killed in car accident.  I know others have faced it as well but what made it hard to handle was that my oldest brother was serving and mission for the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints. So it was as though my family lost 2 children at the same time. 
So with all of this going on, I continued to gain weight through my teen years and into High School and even afterwards into my twenties.  I'm coming up into my early 30's and about to be getting married.  I don't want to be that huge bride on her wedding day and then losses a ton of weight afterwards.  So I'm creating this blog to try and help in disciplining myself to get back into a workout routine because when I do I lose the weight and I can maintain my weights that I want to be at. 

I don't want anyone being judgmental when you come and visit this blog. At least I'm working on my problem.
Thank you