Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Punched in the gut

It is interesting how easy it is to make up excuses as to why you don't workout daily or at all from time to time. I know mine is I don't have the time.  Yet when I sit down and write out my daily schedule, amazingly I have the time to do a workout. For me the best times are early morning, I know 6:30 am for some is not early but for me, it is.  Crazy though 10 years ago I was at work by the time and my workouts happened once I got home from work and before I went to night school. I lost a lot of weight then, I was able to fit into pants I hadn't been able to fit into since my senior year of High School and they were starting to get too big.  Then I was in a car accident, amazing how something that takes less than a second can ruin so many aspects of your life.  I couldn't workout for a month because of the pain my back was in each time I tried. The part the sucked the most was I was looking really good too! But how could something so small ruin something that I had been working on for months, and by that time it was years. I kept with my eating habits of when I was working out so I started to gain weight.  I was burning a lot of calories throughout my day because I was also working in a warehouse too. 
Anyway to get to my point.  A lady I work with now asked why I don't workout at the Rec center I work at.  I've never been comfortable working out where I work because for one since I'm a supervisor I will be asked a million and one questions while I'm working out.  It isn't the staffs fault for it, the same thing happened all the time when I worked at a Curves for women. Course that was due to a coworker being a butt about alot of things in life and I won't go into it here because it is in the past. 
What the punch in the gut was about, the lady I shared why I don't workout at the rec center and that I workout in my basement asked me. "And how's that working for you?" It hit me then am I really doing all that  I could be doing to workout? No, I'm not.  I'm not doing what I need to be doing.  I have a lot of fears that I need to overcome. The first one, I'm going to get fitted for the new dress that we found next weekend.  It is going to take 2 months to get here.  What if I drop so much weight they will have to order in a whole new dress and it won't get in in time so we are stuck back to making the dress again anyway and then there's the whole thing about not having time for bridals! But I don't want to look like a marshmallow when I get married either.  White is not a forgiving color, yes we can make some adjustments to places so it doesn't draw the eye to certain areas but I want to feel good on my wedding day and not be self conscious about how I look. 
So I've decided to compromise with both areas.  I will still do my workouts in my basement 6 days a week and one day a week I will attend the boot camp class on Saturdays at my work.  That way my weekly workouts will help me to keep up with the Saturday class and help me to improve there, and the Saturday class will help me to improve my weekly workouts.  I will be implementing this plan into action today.  I know it is Wednesday but that seems to be my sticking point for the week, if I can do a workout on Wednesday, I can do a workout on any day of the week. 

Wish me luck and thank you for not judging. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to be! I think you're super awesome and you can reach your goals! Don't give up!
