Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Best time to do a Cardio Workout

Is not right before going to bed. Well at least not for me.  It took me forever to sleep last night and as I was drifting off to sleep at 2 am, I said to myself no matter what time I have to get up tomorrow I need to do my workout.  And what do you think I did when I woke up this morning? No I did not go back to bed, but I put on my workout clothes, different ones, I don't like smelling my own sweat and if you like that so many days in a row you're kind of weird in my book.  Anyway the workout sucked but I still did it!

The day at work wasn't too terrible, but the A/C in my car went out a little bit ago and now it's so hot that I get pretty crankier while driving.  I know, first world problem. But then I had to coach tonight in the heat, I was looking forward to coaching and interacting with my athletes but I was not looking forward to the heat.  

Needless to say, I'm super tired and I get to get up once again tomorrow and do another amazingly bad workout and go through work then play volleyball against the 12 year olds.  Yeah this week is turning out to be oh so so much fun. 

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