Thursday, July 26, 2012

Press N' Seal

This weekend one of my cousins, it's one of those parents cousins kids things so they are kind of my cousin right?, is having a wrap party.  We will be doing body wraps to drop inches.  Now I have some major issues with my waist because when I get stressed it goes to my waist, when I gain weight it goes to my hips and since I have a wedding dress that will be fitted to me the problem area is the belly.  So I will be having that wrapped to see if it truly does drop my inches and how long it lasts.  If it works I'm tempted to get one of my volleyball ladies to come over and wrap the rest of my body with her oils and the press n'seal like she did at one of our volleyball games. Was rather hilarious to hear it pop and everything.  

I will let you all know how well it works and if it is worth the cost.  Yeah it's $25 so kind of pricey for one wrapping but if it works it will make my belly go down. 
I know stressing about this stuff only makes my issues worse so I'm really trying not to.  

I'm also keeping up with my bellydancing and my other workouts. 

Ended up taking down a wedding tonight so that was a great workout in 90 degree weather at 9 at night. Ended up melting the candles we use in our hurricane lamps outside to let people know which doors to go in for the wedding. 

Thank you for not judging and I will keep you posted on the wrapping.


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