Well I did not reach my goal of losing the 10 lbs by fathers days. I'm rather upset with myself that I didn't keep with my schedule and that I allowed other less important events/things to take the place of me getting healthier and managing my stress for a very important day for myself and to keep myself on a healthier track for the rest of my life.
I know I'm focusing on the weight loss aspect of everything and so I get discouraged when I don't see the results of my hard work. Yes I've taken measurements but I haven't taken any new ones to see if there are changes because I know the scale isn't the only place that changes occur. But my pants are fitting any looser, in fact they are getting tighter, never a good sign of a stressed out bride. And on top of all of that when I get stressed out I gain weight so then it causes an unending cycle of stress and weight gain. I've put myself under a lot of pressure with this because I'm having a dress shipped in that is a certain size and I don't want to have to have that dress let out because I gained weight before my wedding. Again none of this is conducive for weight loss goals.
Now then, a few weeks ago I came home from coaching and we ended up watching the home shopping network. I rarely watch the stations because I want to buy stuff. Well they were demonstrating the Urban Rebounder. My mom was watching it too and she's trying to lose weight as well for the wedding. So we talked about the workout they were showing and she said she would do something like that. So I asked her if I bought it, would she do it? and she said yes. So I bought it. Yup I bought something from the home shopping network. *hangs head in shame* But it came last week. The grandkids are having a ball on it. And I've watched the videos to get myself familiar with the workouts of it. Oh here is a picture of this workout contraption.
Yeah sorry it is fuzzy it is just from my camera phone.
This thing is the DEVIL!!!!!! I know what you're thinking, it wouldn't be that hard to just jump around and do some workouts. Do you have any idea how hard it is to only allow yourself to jump 1 inch off the surface? There is so much core control needed to do this thing it isn't even funny. Oh it feels amazing though but you are pouring sweat within a few minutes. Picture yourself jumping rope forever, pretty much the same concept behind it without the jarring movements to the hips, knees and ankle joints. I am not afraid to admit that I am starting out on the Senior levels because they are easier and it still gets me sweating. I only plan on being on the senior levels until I can build up my core muscles and then advance throughout the workouts.
Who would have thought that jumping just a little bit on the trampoline would cause so much going on in the body.
I have to say that I have wanted one of these for about 6 or more years now. Now that I have it I'm really excited to be using it. Oh it also does wonders on the inner thighs, I know for women it is a huge problem area and with having to keep your legs together and not go all wild and crazy. If that is a problem area you have, you will want to look into getting this.
Wish me luck with this endeavor and I am going to be posting results within each week of how I'm progressing as well how it is transforming my body, along with the other workouts I am doing too. Pilates are helping with my hip issues as well as keeping my back into place so I don't have to keep going to the chiropractor to get adjusted.
Thank you for not judging
Keep on keeping on Mary. You're doing a good job!