Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stress Reduction

I started a few days ago on a stress relieving exercise program so to speak.  Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed due to whatever is going on in my life I take a series of deep breaths.  I usually inhale for the count of 4 using one thousand as my timing agent and then let it out for the same 4 counts.  I work up from 4 and try to hold it from 5-8 and then do the same. I know it sounds weird but it has worked amazingly well for me. I'm down 3 lbs since I started!
I know that stress is a huge part of the weight gaining process so I know just sitting back and breathing will help me to stay focused and it's helping me to sleep at nights which is a HUGE relief for me right now. 

Just wanted to share.

Thank you for not judging.


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