Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Being a doormat

I realized last night that I allow others to control what my schedule is.  I ended up working noon to 7 yesterday for work because of a Spring Break Well it was super slow like I knew it would be but what can you do when your boss calls you in right? Well I figured since I wasn't staying til 10 like I normally would have, so I figured I could do my workout once I got home and let my dinner settle.  Well while waiting for all of that to happen my parents were getting their taxes together and of course with my mom not being able to see very well on the computer screen and my dad can't type to save his life so of course I get roped into getting their taxes done for them and we didn't finish until around 11:30 pm.  I could have still done a workout but I was then tired and not really feeling like doing a workout.  
I know once I am married I won't have to deal with my parents butting in on my scheduled events and times but I don't want to have to wait until then to start looking good and losing weight. 

For a side note, I will be doing a workout this afternoon at 1:30 because I'm having to work from 4-10 pm tonight because again I'm a nice person an I'm letting someone else have a night off so I can work for them. 

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem. I mean, not with my parents and taxes, but with letting others dictate my schedule. My solution has been to get my workouts done in the morning. Then I don't have to think about it the rest of the day. Some days, I don't make it in the morning, but after a year of doing it, I make it more than I don't. Being married just means that it's someone else making your schedule for you. :) My advice is to find a time that you can be the most consistent at, whether it's morning, afternoon, or evening and then stick with it. Pretty soon, everyone else will know that you're unavailable at that time and they'll quit imposing on you. In theory. :)
