Now now let's not be judgmental or anything on me right now. I know what I had said in my previous post about working out every day. However I know illnesses come up and there isn't a lot we can do about them. So here's the thing. I did not get up early on Tuesday morning as I had planned to do my workout, sorry sleep won that round of battles. But I had everything laid out for me for when I came home from work. Well during work I started to feel really light headed whenever I would get up and walk around. So I figured I needed to drink more water so I downed my 32 oz container that I bring with me everywhere I go and that didn't seem to help. Just made my stomach all sloshy and fun for the rest of the time at work.
Once I got home my sister and her kids were still at the house so I figured I'd wait til they left. Then all of a sudden I started feeling hot, yes it was hot yesterday here in Utah but only in the mid to high 70's nothing like it had been the weeks prior. Then I started to get a headache and no matter what I did or took it wasn't going away.
So I finally made up my mind I was going to still do a workout but not with as much energy as I normally do. Well that thought got slapped in my face when I got up to go change the room started to spin and I had to sit down. Yup, I was sick. Now I work with money all day long and so I could be touching bills that someone decided to blow their nose on, I don't know and so because of this lovely work environment I'm in I get sick more than I want to. I have hand sanitizer and I wash my hands regularly because of how much I am around money and I make sure to never eat with my hands or put anything near my mouth whenever I'm dealing with money. But with all those precautions I can still get sick and so I do. Wahoo for me. :)
My fall back was to head to the store and get some NyQuil so I could at least sleep through the night and then get up to workout in the morning and just do 2 workouts today instead of the one. Well when I woke up I wasn't feeling any better so I called into work sick and went right back to bed. I know I'm a baby, so deal with it okay people.
I'm feeling a little better now that I am up and around and I'm very tempted to do an urban rebounder workout before I head off for Community Ed tonight to make my athletes run more. Yes, they love me oh so dearly.
Also my mom wanted to go to the library today since I was home and all, her car is dead in the drive way, so she needs me to take her places. So while there I figured I could look at some books on how to manage my stress levels since if you've been keeping up with this blog you know that is a major part of my weight gains, at least my opinion of it that is. Anyway while looking up Stress Relief under topics one of the first books that came up was The Petite Advantage Diet by Jim Karas. I've never heard of this book but it is supposed to be geared towards women who are 5'4" and under. Now I'm pushing 5'2" on a good day so I figured why not check it out and see how it goes.
So I'll keep you all updated on this diet book and any information I glean from it.
Thank you for reading and not judging.
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