Sunday, May 20, 2012

Track Downfalls

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you are so looking forward to the weekend because of what you consider to be some fun plans? Well that was this weekend for me.  But I'm sure my plans would not seem as fun to others as they were for me. 
So Chris and I decided last week that we would walk/run the High School tracks near our houses on Sunday nights since our shows are over for the summer.  It gives us time together, I get to take my dog for needed runs and it keeps the two of us on track with our workouts.  Well the closest track to my house is Granger High's track and since they are rebuilding the school they have the entire area of the track sealed off so people can't use it until after the construction is finished. But we did not let that stop us for doing our walk, besides Jasper was not about to let me just take him for a car ride and then not take him for a walk.  So we just went for a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood.  I know it isn't much but my hips have been killing me for the past few days because I need to see my quack to get them fixed from the car accident last year, and I needed the rest when we got back, or I wouldn't be walking the or working out for the next week. 

I hope your weeks are strong with your own workout goals. 

Oh and I am officially setting a weight loss goal today.  By Fathers Day I will be down 10lbs.  My sister in law doesn't think I can do it, well I will show her.  But I will also need some help too.  I just need some encouragement and reminders to do my workouts.

Thank you for reading and not judging. 

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