Friday, April 6, 2012

back story of me

Hello, my name is Mary and I have always been what you would call the chubby child.  I was the fat friend that everyone loved but there was never any competition between me and the other girls because what guy would want to be seen with a chubby girl? 
Oh I was active as a child.  I was in dance, I went bike riding all the time with friends and all over the neighborhoods, but I was still squarely built. 
As I got older and all of those fun female changes happen I didn't plateau I continued to gain weight.  It also didn't help that when I was almost 12 one of my sisters was killed in car accident.  I know others have faced it as well but what made it hard to handle was that my oldest brother was serving and mission for the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints. So it was as though my family lost 2 children at the same time. 
So with all of this going on, I continued to gain weight through my teen years and into High School and even afterwards into my twenties.  I'm coming up into my early 30's and about to be getting married.  I don't want to be that huge bride on her wedding day and then losses a ton of weight afterwards.  So I'm creating this blog to try and help in disciplining myself to get back into a workout routine because when I do I lose the weight and I can maintain my weights that I want to be at. 

I don't want anyone being judgmental when you come and visit this blog. At least I'm working on my problem.
Thank you


  1. I like your ending comment. :)

  2. Way to go Mary. Cody and I just started our own Biggest Looser competition to help each other loose weight and eventually maintain a healthy weight.
    I've realized that it is a lot easier to stay focused on your goal when you share your journey with others.
    Good luck...
