Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keepin on

I never realized how hard it would be to keep up with my own workouts even after moving out.  I don't have half of my workout equipment over at our little place yet, we have to make room for it all, not that it is a huge amount of equipment but it takes up floor space and so we need to figure out where it is easily accessible but we won't stub our toes on it in the night.

Chris and I have been walking around our neighborhood alot, we've been making trips to the local library.  It isn't too far of a walk but it is a good size walk, sometimes it's at a run because of the area we are in but it isn't bad.

No I still haven't weighed myself to see if I've lost weight yet since being married but I will eventually.  I did get my wii and the wii fit over to our place so I play on that sometimes and we did get a Kinect so we can play with that from time to time too.

Thank you for not judging

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It is over!

The wedding is now officially over so now my stress levels will start going down, in theory.

Chris did tell me the other day that I have lost some weight in his eyes since I don't have all of the stress weighing down on me as much. It is also nice not having cable television so I'm not sitting around doing nothing but watching TV and I'm getting up and getting everything organized in our new place.

I have not moved my workout collections over to our place yet and we don't really have anywhere to put most of my equipment until we get some areas cleaned out and reorganized.  But now I have the countdown to Disneyland for our Honeymoon.

Thank you for not judging

Sunday, September 2, 2012

It fits!

The dress fits people! You have no idea how happy I was when they were able to zip the back of my dress up without having to let it out. Probably one of the happiest days of my life since they wouldn't have it longer than needed.  They did still have to take up the shoulders but it fits perfectly now and I can't wait to show it off on Saturday.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The meaning of the dress

Yes this post should probably go into my other blog but I feel that it needs to be added to this one instead.
The other night I was getting very frustrated with not having my dress yet, which I still don't have but we keep pushing on. Anyway, I was on the phone with one of my friends and she asked if I could just do without the bridals. If push came to shove and I couldn't fit them in with my schedule then yes I would give up on the bridals but throughout this whole wedding planning and taking care of everything else along the way I realized that those bridals meant more to me than just getting in my dress and getting pictures taken of me in it. I haven't really felt like a bride this entire time, yes I've had the stress of everything but I have not had that bridal moment where I can say "yes, I am a bride." I don't know why I haven't had it yet but it just hasn't hit me. I expressed this to my friend and she completely understood it.  Then I had to tell another friend about it too since she has been amazing throughout majority of this stress mess crap.
I know this doesn't really have a whole lot to do with anything but I felt I needed to share it.  It does suck having to pay for pretty much your entire wedding yourself, yes I will use that against some siblings when they say I never pay for anything or something stupid like that. As well as planning the whole thing out myself as well. Not to talk smack about my mom but I've pretty much taken on everything myself.  I mean I made the invites, scheduled everything and paying for it all.  The only thing I'm not doing in my own is setting up the entire reception.  But I won't be shocked when I see that my siblings won't be there because something better came along.

Anyway that is all I wanted to say.

Thank you for not judging

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Press N' Seal conclusion

Well I have to tell you, the wraps work.  I am down 9 inches where the wrap was placed.  I thought about becoming a distributor of the product but with planning a wedding, paying for a wedding by myself and starting a new life is not the time to be going head long into a business.  I figure I can be a customer of theirs and then as I get money stockpiled then I can get into selling the product on my own.  The only thing though, with a company like this wouldn't any of the money that you receive from it go back into buying your products for parties and things like that? At least wouldn't that be the smart thing to do? So then how do you get money from it? 

Thank you for not judging. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Damn Boobs part 2

Yes they are starting to cause me headaches this month.  So my wedding dress doesn't even zip up because my boobs are too big.  I was so concerned with my stomach area being too big and now it's the stupid boobs.  What makes me upset though is shouldn't a pattern give for the traveling up of the boobs?  Also why do dress places have to order in a size when they take your measurements.  Wouldn't it be easier/better to just order in the dressed based on your measurements?
Makes sense to me.  I mean I will probably never get out of wearing a size Large top because of the size of my boobs, unless I want to look like my chest exploded.
Wake up designers, women have curves in a whole lot of different places.  Start customizing clothing for different problem areas.
I know I should probably do this, I have 2 people who I'm sure would be on board with helping to make clothes but then they'd be super expensive and no one wants to pay that price. Yet we do for wedding dresses.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Press N' Seal update

So I went to my cousins wrap party today and it is for the product It Works! 
I had to keep the menthol rich wrap on for about 45 minutes, ended up being an hour and 10 but I went down 2 inches over all. I thought it was pretty cool and I will remeasure myself Monday to see the full results of it. 
I know I need to stop being a skeptic with products and everything but I can't help it.  When people quote stats I like to know the sources and some of the stats they quoted are being misquoted and I hate that. And as I've posted before they want you to drink half of your body weight in water a day in oz's.  Did I not say I wasn't as puffy or bloaty because of doing that same thing? It cost me $25 and we will see the results on Monday and see if that was worth it to me. but I can feel a difference in my clothes, they seem looser.  However I do not recommend drinking 64 oz of water, then going to see The Dark Knight Rises. Yup I had to pee about 30 minutes in and I was wedged in the middle of the row so there was no getting out. 

Thank you for not judging and I will keep you up to date on the results. 
