Thursday, September 20, 2012

It is over!

The wedding is now officially over so now my stress levels will start going down, in theory.

Chris did tell me the other day that I have lost some weight in his eyes since I don't have all of the stress weighing down on me as much. It is also nice not having cable television so I'm not sitting around doing nothing but watching TV and I'm getting up and getting everything organized in our new place.

I have not moved my workout collections over to our place yet and we don't really have anywhere to put most of my equipment until we get some areas cleaned out and reorganized.  But now I have the countdown to Disneyland for our Honeymoon.

Thank you for not judging

Sunday, September 2, 2012

It fits!

The dress fits people! You have no idea how happy I was when they were able to zip the back of my dress up without having to let it out. Probably one of the happiest days of my life since they wouldn't have it longer than needed.  They did still have to take up the shoulders but it fits perfectly now and I can't wait to show it off on Saturday.